Unselfish wisdom and sound advice

Created by sueallen 9 years ago
My memories of Uncle Geoff are many, but in particular what stands out for me was his very clear logical uncomplicated views on life and sound advice. When going through difficult times when my own father was terminally ill and Mum had to go into care, I was quite beside myself living so far away in Australia and feeling terrible that I was not doing enough and should do more. I remember talking to Geoff, who put it all in perspective by saying that my parents had had many wonderful years, but they were at the end of their lives and that my responsibilities lie with my young daughters who were then 18 months old and 3. He said that my parents would have fully appreciated all that I was doing for them given the distance and that they would not have wanted it any other way. He said that I should be looking at what I was doing rather than what I was not doing and turn it all around. I never looked back from that day and have often passed on his wisdom to others. I spoke to Geoff a couple of months ago and was once again amazed at his practical views on his own illness and how positive he was. He had an amazing intellect, marvellous wit and was very perceptive and most of all very at peace with himself, his family and life. I can honestly say that I have never ever seen him agitated or cross. God bless, Geoff, as Christine always says, I am sure Auntie Dorothy, Rebie, my Mum and Dad will be sitting on a picnic rug underneath the apple tree with the kettle on ready to welcome you!